Monday, July 20, 2009

Take over the World Day 10

Buy Google Stock. When Big Brother comes knocking, Membership will have its privileges.

GOOG - Google Inc. (NASDAQ)

Take over the World Day 9

Acquire a "Easy Button." Your gonna have to push the red button someday so plan ahead. Failing to plan is a plan to fail.

Take over the World Day 8

Clone yourself so you can Take over the World faster.
A little spawn of evil cant hurt... or can it? Haha!!

Take over the World Day 7

Lease a Hummer and drive across the country promoting a Green and Healthy lifestyle. Satisfy your Evil ambitions under the guise as a Ecological Activist. "I'm saving the World, Honest." Haha!

Take over the World Day 6

Follow Ashton Kutcher on Twitter Click Here. The Prince of Darkness has much to teach us.

ashton kutcher

Take over the World Day 5

Have as many children as possible. A army of minions will come in handy.

Take over the World Day 4

Celebrate holidays on the wrong days. A confused world is easier to control.